The first step is dedicated to think the brand, investigating the essential resources –the brand’s DNA – that will be connected by the existence Purpose with its market Position.
Think is the moment when the company’s history is told, its concept is defined and its representation is determined. The essence of the brand is identified through the DNA Brand Process® and it helps to think authentically the posture of the organization. For that, we use research and interviews with people involved with the brand, technically and emotionally, in order to know it thoroughly. Afterwards, the data is interpreted through SWOT analysis, which defines the brand’s internal and external capabilities, the opportunities in which it can thrive and the points that need to be worked out. The DNA is a set of keywords that represent the brand in its various facets, from it you can determine the brand’s positioning and characteristics that make it unique in the market and for the target audience.
The next step is eXperience (X).