Artigos, teses e dissertações dos pesquisadores afiliados ao laboratório


Grasiele Pilatti (

Luiz Salomão Ribas Gomez (

Eugenio Merino (


The design management presents a creative thinking and provides innovative solutions for the most various organizational levels. Thus, it is sought to demonstrate to managers and entrepreneurs the benefits of a effective plan of design management and, in this case, their relationship with the point of sale. The marketing competition allows the visual merchandising be a differentiation tool and consumer conquest. Therefore, this article seeks to identify the relationship between the design management and visual merchandising       applied to a case analysis of a boulangerie in the city of Florianopolis (Brazil) what is the owner’s understanding about these issues. Through a bibliographical research about the two key subjects, an interview with the entrepreneur and visits to the place, the proposed research is described. Through the organizational behavior under study and, as a secondary objective, it will be understood in which level is the concern with the point of sale while a design management tool and direct contact with the consumer and how the actions of the brand are reflected in this space.

Keywords: design management, visual merchandising, bakery.

 Donwload the paper: The Perspective of a Local Business about the Design Management and Visual Merchandising: Analysis of Café François

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