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Authors: Amanda Q. Campos Richard L. Perassi, Dr.   Abstract: The convergence scenario between telecommunications and informatics connects the whole world. The known as network society is so configured, promoting other communicational dynamics and formulating new relations of space and time. Inserted in such a context, marked by the changes in communication processes, companies of […]

Authors: Clarissa Martins Alves Priscilla Gonçalves Lopes Luiz Salomão Ribas Gomez Abstract: This article reflects on the aesthetic experiences in the city from the perspective of city branding. The discussions about cities have been drawing attention to how people relate to them and their transformations, and, consequently, their new opportunities. Firstly, the article focuses on […]

Authors: AMANDA QUEIROZ CAMPOS ( LUIZ SALOMÃO RIBAS GOMEZ ( RICHARD LUIZ PERASSI ( Abstract: One of the principles that defines fashion as and industry as well as a social fact is the convergence principle, made visible by the existence of trends. The research of trends, focusing in the fashion industry, has shifted various times […]

Abstract: this article attempts to show the types of design experiences which characterise the behaviorism of the consumer, with a goal of analyzing the consumer in-store experience at the point of sale. This article deals with the various interactions involving aspects of behaviorism applied to experience, such as sensory experiences of the brand – related to visual merchandising […]

Abstract: By exploring the relationship between cultural studies and branding practices this paper seeks to present ethnographic research participation in construction and disclosure of brands. Recent works seem to agree that, in order to successfully develop their own pattern and their own cultural significance, companies must invest in research that seek in culture the answers […]

Abstract: This article seeks to contextualize and conceptualize place branding and examines the opportunities for a successful brand for the city of Florianopolis as a center of innovation, mapping a route to be promoted through branding strategies. The objective of this research is to discover the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats to the brand through a […]